Big Wins Consultancy


International English Language Testing System

IELTS (General)

Immigration to English-speaking nations such as the UK, Australia, and Canada requires the completion of the IELTS General Training English proficiency test. Additionally, people who want to study in the US, Canada, or the UK at a level below undergraduate studies choose it. The test evaluates speaking, listening, reading, and writing abilities to make sure non-native English speakers can fit in and do well in certain settings. The IELTS General Training test is administered in India by IDP: IELTS Australia, which is an important part of the worldwide education and career support system for individuals who want to live, work, and study in English-speaking countries.

Who needs to take the IELTS (General) Training?

Take The IELTS General Training If You Want To:

  • Train or study below the level of a degree.
  • Work in an English-speaking nation or pursue training relevant to the workplace.
  • Move to a nation where the language is English.
  • Find another employment in your own country that requires a recognized level of English language skills.

IELTS (Academic)

For individuals seeking further education or professional registration in English-speaking nations, the IELTS Academic examination is an assessment of English competence. It assesses the speaking, listening, reading, and writing abilities required in both academic and professional contexts. Writing essays and evaluating data, comprehending spoken English, analyzing academic literature, and participating in a face-to-face speaking interview are all components of the test. The IELTS Academic test, which is widely recognized by schools, universities, and professional associations worldwide, guarantees that applicants have the language proficiency needed to excel in academic or professional settings that use the English language. It is an essential step for anyone hoping to succeed in situations like this.


Who needs to take the IELTS (Academic) Training?

Take The IELTS Academic Training If You Want To:

  • Attend undergraduate or graduate school in a nation where the language of instruction is English.
  • Apply for a Student Route (Tier 4) visa in order to attend a university in the United Kingdom that offers such a visa.
  • Work for a reputable company in a nation where English is the primary language.

IELTS Test Fotmat

You have the option of taking the IELTS Academic or General Training exam at an official testing facility on a computer or paper. In addition, depending on where you reside, you might be able to take the IELTS online. The four essential skills listed below are evaluated by IELTS:





How does IELTS help with visa requirements?

Proof of English language fluency is required by immigration officials in many English-speaking nations in order to be given a visa. IELTS offers this evidence.

  • You will obtain an official Test Report Form (TRF) with your IELTS score on it after finishing an exam.
  • To demonstrate your fluency in English, the visa authorities should receive your TRF, which is good for two years.
  • The IELTS score requirements vary by visa. Verifying the score required to obtain your visa is crucial.

Frequently Asked Question

You won’t ever have to wait longer than two weeks to get your IELTS results, regardless of how you take the test.

Checking your IELTS results online is simple. We’ll send you an email notification with a link to examine your scores as soon as your results are available. A preview SMS notice can also be sent straight to your phone by some testing locations.

The official certification of your test results, known as the IELTS Test Report Form (or TRF), can be presented as evidence of your fluency in English. This can be an electronic version (eTRF) or a paper copy.

Photocopies of your IELTS Test Report Form will not be accepted by the majority of the institutions you are applying to; original copies are required. On the other hand, you can print your eTRF or email it if you took the IELTS online.

Up to five extra copies of your Test Report Form may be sent by us to the organizations you are applying to (such as colleges, businesses, immigration agencies, etc.). Within two years of taking the test, please provide the pertinent addresses on the Test Taker Portal if you would like us to accomplish this.

Some universities and organizations have started subscribing to the electronic download of IELTS scores, even if paper versions are still the standard. Before mailing or requesting that we send a paper copy of your results, please check with your local test center.

For each of the four test sections—speaking, reading, writing, and listening—you will receive an IELTS band score.

To represent your level of English proficiency in each of these categories, each will be scored on a scale from 0 to 9. These could be half band scores, like 5.5, 6.5, or 7.5, or whole band scores, like 5.0, 6.0, or 7.0.

An overall band score, which is a summary of your English language proficiency factoring in all four test areas, will also be displayed on your IELTS Test Report Form.

You have up to six weeks from the date of your exam to submit an Enquiry on Results (EOR) request if you would want further information about your test results or to have any part remarked.

This can be completed in-person at the testing location or online using the Test Taker Portal. Re-marking a section of the test carries a fee, which will be reimbursed if you receive a higher result on any section.

Enquiry on Result (EOR) results may be accessed as soon as the application is submitted or up to 21 days later. The quantity of parts you’ve asked us to remark is one of the many variables that affect how long it takes.

Please get in touch with your test center if, after 21 days, you have not heard back. If you used IELTS Online for your initial exam, please get in touch with us.

You can obtain your target score on the IELTS One Skill Retake without having to retake the entire exam. You can retake any of the four IELTS test skills—listening, reading, writing, or speaking—within 60 days of the first test date if you would like to increase your score on one of the test skills. Only IELTS computer bookings are presently able to take the IELTS One Skill Retake.