Big Wins Consultancy

For the IELTS Speaking test, you will converse with a trained examiner. This interactive test simulates a real-world scenario as closely as possible. There’s a chance to utilize a range of accents, and the exam gets videotaped.

The IELTS Academic and IELTS General Training examinations share the same content when it comes to the Speaking section.

The purpose of the IELTS Speaking test is to evaluate a broad range of abilities.

The examiner will be looking to check if you can:

  •  Share thoughts and details about commonplace subjects and events; in order to do this, you will have to respond to a series of inquiries.
  • Use suitable words to converse extensively on a certain subject
  • Arrange your thoughts logically
  •  State and defend your beliefs
  •  Analyze, debate, and make assumptions about problems.
  • Make sure you are at ease and speaking clearly. You must speak in a genuine way

Make sure you are at ease and speaking clearly. You must speak in a genuine way.

Format :

Part 1: The examiner will identify themselves, ask you to identify yourself, and request verification of your identity. You will be asked generic questions about well-known subjects including your home, family, job, studies, and interests by the examiner. This should be a section where you may unwind and speak freely.

Part 2: You will receive a task card from the examiner that asks you to discuss a specific topic and provides you with talking points for your discussion. One minute is allotted to you to get ready and take notes. After that, you will get one to two minutes to discuss the subject. It is crucial that you continue speaking during this period because you won’t be interrupted. After that, you will answer one or two questions on the same subject from the examiner.

Part 3: You will be asked additional questions by the examiner that relate to the subject of Part 2. The purpose of these questions is to allow you to talk about more conceptual and abstract topics.

Duration :

11-14 minutes.

Marks :

Qualified IELTS examiners will evaluate your performance based on how you performed during the test. Four factors will be used to grade you: pronunciation, lexical resource, grammatical range and accuracy, and fluency and coherence. Whole and partial bands scores are given.

Frequently Asked Question

You won’t ever have to wait longer than two weeks to get your IELTS results, regardless of how you take the test.

Checking your IELTS results online is simple. We’ll send you an email notification with a link to examine your scores as soon as your results are available. A preview SMS notice can also be sent straight to your phone by some testing locations.

The official certification of your test results, known as the IELTS Test Report Form (or TRF), can be presented as evidence of your fluency in English. This can be an electronic version (eTRF) or a paper copy.

Photocopies of your IELTS Test Report Form will not be accepted by the majority of the institutions you are applying to; original copies are required. On the other hand, you can print your eTRF or email it if you took the IELTS online.

Up to five extra copies of your Test Report Form may be sent by us to the organizations you are applying to (such as colleges, businesses, immigration agencies, etc.). Within two years of taking the test, please provide the pertinent addresses on the Test Taker Portal if you would like us to accomplish this.

Some universities and organizations have started subscribing to the electronic download of IELTS scores, even if paper versions are still the standard. Before mailing or requesting that we send a paper copy of your results, please check with your local test center.

For each of the four test sections—speaking, reading, writing, and listening—you will receive an IELTS band score.

To represent your level of English proficiency in each of these categories, each will be scored on a scale from 0 to 9. These could be half band scores, like 5.5, 6.5, or 7.5, or whole band scores, like 5.0, 6.0, or 7.0.

An overall band score, which is a summary of your English language proficiency factoring in all four test areas, will also be displayed on your IELTS Test Report Form.

You have up to six weeks from the date of your exam to submit an Enquiry on Results (EOR) request if you would want further information about your test results or to have any part remarked.

This can be completed in-person at the testing location or online using the Test Taker Portal. Re-marking a section of the test carries a fee, which will be reimbursed if you receive a higher result on any section.

Enquiry on Result (EOR) results may be accessed as soon as the application is submitted or up to 21 days later. The quantity of parts you’ve asked us to remark is one of the many variables that affect how long it takes.

Please get in touch with your test center if, after 21 days, you have not heard back. If you used IELTS Online for your initial exam, please get in touch with us.

You can obtain your target score on the IELTS One Skill Retake without having to retake the entire exam. You can retake any of the four IELTS test skills—listening, reading, writing, or speaking—within 60 days of the first test date if you would like to increase your score on one of the test skills. Only IELTS computer bookings are presently able to take the IELTS One Skill Retake.