Big Wins Consultancy

Spoken English

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Learn Spoken English

Lately, a number of people have been dedicating their time to learning English as a second language. Young people in nations like India are being exposed to the English language as early as the first or second grade. The benefits of speaking English are enormous in developed nations. This will enable them to go to English-speaking countries without encountering linguistic barriers and help them find better jobs. Because English is regarded as a generally acceptable language for communication, approximately half of the content on the internet today is in this language, making this even more successful in the technologically advanced world we live in.


Since English is the third most spoken language in the world, anyone planning to travel abroad must be fluent in it. This is much more important if one plans to study in a country where English is the primary language of communication. If one intends to take English proficiency tests in order to obtain immigration documents or to apply for study abroad, passing these tests is imperative.

The modules that we cover under Intensive English are as follows:

1.Basic grammar
2.Conversation practice
3.Public speaking
4.Personal development
5.Presentation and writing skills

This program is available to students planning to take competitive exams that require travel, such as the  TOEFL, PTE, and IELTS. It is crucial for the students to take these exams with a high level of proficiency in the language in addition to their familiarity with it. Their proficiency in the language will be crucial to their success in academic pursuits overseas and to their potential to land desirable employment. Being able to communicate in the target language is essential to successfully integrating into the culture of the nation you are visiting.